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Negative reinforcments of stereotypes

Cultivate positive attitudes and explore stereotypes and their reinforcements. Look at adopting a growth mindset, reflecting on our own and others experiences, and increasing empathy in these activities.

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The News: A session involving participants looking at newspaper articles and the use of language, identifying bigotry and stereotype reinforcement.

Stand Up Bigotry: A 1 hour workshop involving anonymised drama role play identifying hate speech, stereotyping and challenging perspectives.

Change your glasses: A workshop where participants are asked to walk in the shoes of marginalised communities involving photography, drama, group discussion and exhibition if desired.

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Diclaimer: YCreëer en cofinancier het programma Erasmus+. Ik contenuti di queeste piattaforma riflettono solo le opinies degli autori, la Commissione Europea e l'Agenzia Nazionale del Regno Unito sono responsabili per l'uso che potrebbe essere fatto delle information in essa contenute.

Mogelijk gemaakt doorCollagekunst Â©

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