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Human Podcast

Podcast 1Amy
00:00 / 10:37
Podcast 2Maryah
00:00 / 07:59
Podcast 3The €300 Mask
00:00 / 02:27

Human Podcast Guidelines

How to create an episode for the YCreate Human Podcast?

Hello! Welcome to the YCreate Human Podcast! Here we share stories to tackle hate speech and discrimination led by disinformation misinformation or fake news online.

This podcast is part of YCreate, an European project - co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme - that works on creative interventions dealing with hate speech, discrimination, misinformation and disinformation.

This Document aims to provide you with simple guidelines to follow when approaching creating a podcast. These guidelines are the result and summary of the process implemented to create the first episodes of the YCreate Human Podcast during the international training led by Mulab in Arnhem on June 2022


Define your target and the setting

  • While creating a podcast, different scenarios can be envisaged: you can decide to tell personal stories or stories that you have witnessed, or activate research in your community or other realities such as associations/organisations according to your topics of interest


  • Set up with your target if they want to participate in the creative process of the podcast as well as give you consent to be interviewed. If they do not have the opportunity to participate fully, be sure to devise appropriate questions to fully cover the story's narrative, to have enough material for further developments. In the respect of the interviewee, it is important to share the script


  • The setting can be one to one, small group or large group according to what can provide a safe sharing environment for everyone


Share the goal of the podcast with your target

  • Sharing stories to tackle hate speech and discrimination led by disinformation, misinformation or fake news


Brainstorming stories (Sharing the stories)

  • Option 1: Single participant: In this case brainstorm how this story is relevant to the Ycreate Human Podcast?


  • Option 2: If you are working with a large group of people then divide them into small teams and let each member of the team share their own story in a strict period of time (suggested 3 minuets each)


  • Option 3: If you are working with a small group of people (up to 5) let each participant share their own story in a strict period of time (suggested 3 minuets each)

  • Resources needed for the activity: timer

  • Goal: get started in narrating the stories in a contained time slot


Human Podcast Creative Canvas and Storyboard

Suggested time up to 1 hour...

Whether you decide to work alone or in a group, once you have brainstormed the story you want to tell, start working on a draft structure on how you want to narrate it.

  • Use the resource "Human Podcast Creative Canvas" as a reference and start implementing elements you would like to characterise your own story


  • TIP: If you are working collaboratively with the protagonist of the story, at this stage give the interviewee a chance to decide whether they prefer to record in their own voice or have it narrated by someone else


  • Use the resource "Human Podcast Storyboard" as a reference and start jotting down the basics of your own story 

  • Resources needed: Human Podcast Creative Canvas + Human Podcast Storyboard + Post it notes, Whiteboard, Markers and Coloured Pens/Pencils

  • Goal: Jot down the elements of THE story, define the narration and the story


Human Podcast Script Making

Once you defined your Script it’s essential to rehearse and have a recording trial to validate if the script is functional to your needs.​

  • Find a quiet room to record.


  • Recording short clips can facilitate the editing process in case of mistakes.


  • TIP: you don’t need expensive equipment to record good quality audio, if you use your smartphone vocal memo, point the mic toward your throat rather than directly to your mouth in order to have cleaner audio.

  • Resources needed: smartphones, voice recording app, quiet rooms, headsets (each participant to be asked beforehand to bring a smartphone headset)

  • Goal: rehearse and deal with technical issues...


Recording and finalising the episode

After rehearsing and reviewing the recordings, make any needed amendments and you are ready to record the final version of your episode.
Here are some tips and useful resources that are free online to help you compose your episode's final version:

To record high-quality audio online

Royalty-free images, songs and sounds

Royalty-free sounds

  • Resources needed: smartphones, voice recording app, quiet rooms, headsets (each participant to be asked beforehand to bring a smartphone headset)

  • Goal: produce audio files to be edited and finalised


Final reflection

Optional, suggested time 30 min....
Especially when working in groups could be appreciated to dedicate circle time to reflect on the activities done. You can reflect on:

  • Strengths of the creative process


  • Key points for improvement


  • What I/we have learned

Click below to download supporting material and documents that will help you to create your own podcast 

Artboard 1.png


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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