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YCreate is a European wide project working on creative interventions dealing with hate speech, discrimination, misinformation and disinformation supported by Erasmus+. Partners from 5 countries have come together to create creative interventions for all translated into multiple languages, and the YCreate Human Podcast. Learn more about the partners from the UK, Italy, Cyprus, the Netherlands and Greece below.

About Us


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Collage Arts is a leading arts development, training and creative regeneration charity based in heart of Haringey’s Cultural Quarter.  For over 35 years, the organisation has created opportunities for greater access and participation in the arts and creative industries for the whole community through a range of skills and enterprise programmes, support services, arts development and heritage projects, facilities and resources.


We seek to provide greater access and support to under-represented sections of the community including: economically inactive young people, black and minority ethnic communities, women, people with disabilities, young people leaving care, LGBT communities and ex-offenders, by offering skills, experience and opportunities in creative and digital media, film, music, photography, performing arts and visual arts, which can lead onto better career progression routes in further and higher education, employment and entrepreneurship.

The “Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center is an international humanitarian and independent Institution. Our Institution is established on standards and principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and European Union Law. It works on humanitarian and development policy relevant to the defense and promotion of children’s rights. It does so through research, grassroots program design and implementation and advisory services offered to governments and international organizations.


The operation of the Institution is founded on the principle of promoting and protecting the rights of children. We aim to do this through the implementation of a variety of projects on a National, European and Global level, but also through the integration of unaccompanied children who reside in the host country.



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Mulab is a No Profit Association which operates in the fields of research, promotion and production, network, consulting and vocational training in the Cultural Industry.

An association of performing arts professionals and experts working in the field of culture which uses its experience to help the vocational training and professional recognition of those people who want to work in this field. This because, for preparing a performance, even the simplest one, there are many problems which can be solved only by expert professionals.

Mulab has been approaching the world of culture and performing arts in an international dimension for ten years, trying to find solutions of development and improvement in the best foreign models, where a well working cultural system generates social wellness and linked activities.


Having this aim, Mulab has been part, along the years, of many European Projects, from research to mobility, from promotion to Network creation, from vocational training to social inclusion. These are all actions aimed to build an experience which is not a temporary solution to a present problem, but the basis for a stronger and shared future. 

Founded in 2010, we are a training, development and management company. Operating in London, the UK and internationally from our HQ offices in Canary Wharf, we work closely with  our partners to design, deliver and improve services in the areas where our leading staff have worked for over 35 years, namely: employment, skills and learning, arts culture and the creative industries and entrepreneurship and social action. 


We keep ourselves up to date with policy initiatives, programmes and policy in these areas – but our passion is to respond to them by working ‘bottom up’ with our partners – designing and implementing solutions, extracting and publicising the lessons.

Our emphasis is in social innovation – to promote cultural, economic, social and educational inclusion.

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Rozet is for all residents of Arnhem and the surrounding area. For residents with different backgrounds, different ages and different interests. We want to enable personal development for everyone through language, art and heritage.

We are a partner of the city on a socio-economic level. Together with the people of Arnhem and cooperation partners, we make personal development possible through language, art and heritage. Rozet is a non-profit organization. 


One mission together with the Arnhem Library, Kunstbedrijf Arnhem and Rozet:

"Rozet is the springboard for the city of Arnhem. For every resident of the city and beyond who wants and needs it. Rozet makes language, art and heritage accessible and personal growth possible. Rozet thus strengthens the heart of Arnhem society."

"The Smile of the Child" was created in 1995 by 10-year-old Andreas Yannopoulos, who, shortly before leaving from life, expressed in his diary his wish to found an organization that will ensure for all children what he had so generously enjoyed: love, affection, care and respect.

The dream of 10-year-old Andreas became reality and today the Organization "The Smile of the Child", recognized internationally, with a Vision: the Smile of every child, implements nationwide, 365 days a year and 24 hours a day, effective and direct actions for preventing and addressing particular phenomena that threaten children.


In the course of 23 years of action "The Smile of the Child" has supported more than 1.480.000 children and their families. Children victims of any form of violence, missing children, children with health problems, children living in poverty or threatened by poverty, have found a solution.


The Organization is staffed by spezialized scientific personnel, has the precious support of volunteers and is based on citizens and companies that actively provide their support in practice through donations and sponsorships.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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